Set's Echo: Breaking the Chains of Emotional Struggle and Victimization
Mar 14, 2024
I've been wrestling with the urge to address a topic that has been on my mind—something that, I believe, many of us encounter in our daily lives. It's a narrative that unfolds repeatedly, where people grapple with unresolved emotional issues, leading to a struggle in effective communication. There's a tendency to assign blame, punish, and stifle those who attempt to shed light on these patterns.
Let me paint this picture through an ancient story that tells the why, the meaning, and warnings of certain behaviors within the human psyche. Across cultures and religions, we find cautionary tales of gods and goddesses, heroes and villains, perpetrators and victims, tricksters and healers. Though the details are often different, the themes and stories remain the same. Joseph Campbell, an American writer and professor, did much to share these common threads between all cultures and religions. Pointing out that the most powerful stories can often be found in mythology and religious texts.
As I sit in a coffee shop, surrounded by religious symbols, I'm reminded that beneath the dogma lies a beautiful message—the core of humanity's divinity and its embodiment by great masters like Jeshua (Jesus) and Mary Magdalene.
Today, let's not focus on these revered figures but shift our gaze to a different perspective—a tale of Set, the Egyptian trickster and tyrant. While not an expert in Egyptian mythology, I offer a unique galactic perspective drawn from direct experiences in this lifetime and glimpses of many others, including an ancient Egyptian one.
Set, much like individuals we encounter today, embodies a pattern of behavior stemming from a hardened heart—a pattern that can lead to frustration and a sense of victimization. This is not about categorizing individuals as 'evil' but understanding the impact of societal expectations and the confusion it creates in individuals, particularly men.
In the ancient Egyptian stories, Set is portrayed as the trickster, harsh ruler, and murderer of Osiris—the divine, embodied ruler. Set's battle with Horus, a Christ-like figure and the son of the resurrected Osiris through the magick of Isis, is a tale of cosmic proportions. The struggle between Set and Horus represents the internal conflicts within us all, the battle between our shadow selves and the potential for transformation and healing.
Set's narrative unfolds with a complexity that mirrors the intricate dance of light and darkness in the human psyche. His bitterness stems from many things primarily his jealously of Osiris, the divine ruler, who inadvertently impregnating Set's wife Nephthys while under the guise of Isis. The layers of betrayal, deceit, and revenge weave a tapestry that echoes the intricacies of the distorted ego aspects of the human emotional landscape.
Set's ascent to power, marked by the murder of his brother Osiris, ushers in a tyrannical rule over Egypt. However, even when Set attains everything he thought he wanted, satisfaction eludes him. A deep-seated pattern of thinking plagues him—an ingrained belief that undermines any sense of success or accomplishment. It's an embodied energy of inadequacy, compelling him to prove his strength and intelligence continually.
When connecting with Set's energy, what becomes apparent is not the sociopathy often associated with tyrants, but rather a being with a hardened heart—a protective shield against vulnerability and an attempt to grasp at happiness. This hardened heart leads Set to push everyone away whenever genuine emotion threatens to surface. Vulnerability feels threatening to the hardened heart with patterns of increased ego distortions from a “not good enough” or “unlovable” pattern of thought. The perceived behavior stemming from this would be labeled as narcissistic.
Many men in today's world unknowingly follow this pattern, driven by a perceived need to emulate a hardened heart, an ice-cold nervous system, and the calm, collected swagger of a sociopath. This desire to suppress emotion stems from a misguided admiration for those seemingly impervious to pain. Yet, this mental disorder, played out for thousands of years, leaves its followers perpetually dissatisfied, for the external conquests are only reflections of an internal struggle.
Comparisons and ego-driven thoughts, akin to Set's mindset, can lead us astray. Core principles—humility, compassion, love over judgement, and the acknowledgment of equal worth—guide us toward healing and empowerment. We all do our best to change our situation and the injustices in the world and at the same time when we forget to discern our ego justifications, we ourselves can run the risk of becoming that which we lament. Let's strive for discernment, facing our internal tyrants with bravery and transforming illusion into love.
Sociopaths, in their unique neurodiversity, add another layer to our exploration. Different from narcissists, they possess a charisma and intelligence that can be beguiling. Their emotional mimicry often conceals a total lack of compassion. It's challenging to interact with them intimately, and their understanding of others' emotional responses is rooted in logic rather than empathy. In our current society, the prevalence of sociopaths in positions of power reveals a societal blind spot—a disregard for the value of emotions deemed 'unpreferred.' The admiration for sociopaths' apparent lack of emotional burden becomes a distorted fascination, which no doubt contributed to their rise. However, we are entering a phase where emotions can no longer be ignored—a beautiful shift empowering us to access the wisdom and guidance from deep within as we live on the New Earth.
Much Love,