Reflections from Egypt – Rediscovering Unity and Divine Love

divine love egypt hathor love Jan 26, 2025

I recently returned from a transformative journey to Egypt, a land of ancient mysteries and profound energies that reverberate within our souls even today. Many of you have asked about my experience, and I’m grateful to share some of the revelations and healing moments that unfolded for me during this sacred journey.


There are two main threads to this story: the hidden, collective history of Egypt and its connection to cosmic energies, and my own personal journey of self-mastery and healing. Egypt represents a powerful bridge between worlds—a place where Earth meets the cosmos, where we reconnect to the wisdom of our star family, and where we can remember the deeper truth of unity and love.


Awakening the Forgotten: The Collective Memory of Egypt


For those who feel a call to ancient Egypt, it’s often because of memories that stir deep within. Egypt is a powerful place of remembering; it speaks to the parts of us that recall the rise and fall of consciousness on Earth. This era, when humanity was deeply connected to higher realms, gradually shifted into amnesia and ego-driven separation, a forgetting that took the human collective on a deep journey into a lower density reality.


Now, many of us are returning, ready to complete the cycle, elevate, and usher in a higher consciousness. The “chosen ones”—here again for the rise and reconnection, the remembering. We are writing the final chapter of this era, with even more to come beyond what we can currently imagine.


I was keenly aware that my journey would not be easy or purely blissful. I knew Egypt would challenge me to confront both ancient memories and recent wounds. I had previously, remembered a lifetime as a healer and priest, a time when I sought to help others remain connected to their divine origins. But I also eventually fell into a level of consciousness we all sought to resist—allowing the teachings of the mystery schools and my gifts to be twisted by ego and power lust.


Knowing this, I approached Egypt with reverence, prepared for whatever lessons lay ahead. From a higher perspective, its understood that all of this played out as it needed to as part of earth human evolution, not as punishment or victimhood, though it certainly felt that way at the time.


Personal Heartache and Letting Go


Before my trip, I experienced the ending of a significant relationship, one that had felt divinely orchestrated and full of promise. Like many of us, I placed hopes of love and fulfillment on this connection. I’d imagined it as a path to adventure, growth, and joy, only to see it end in a way that left me feeling abandoned and unworthy. This pain mirrored the larger human experience of feeling cut off from divine love. In truth, we project our longing for wholeness onto others, yet wholeness resides within us and our connection to the divine.


Arriving in Egypt with this wound, I was forced to face the beliefs that had taken root from childhood—that I was somehow less than or undeserving. These beliefs are powerful illusions, rooted in the ego's need to protect itself. As the trip progressed, I honored these feelings, choosing to see them as part of a larger healing journey. This mirrored humanity’s collective experience of feeling “left behind” by our star family—a deep wound of separation that ultimately arises from misunderstanding our true nature.


Temples of Transformation: Hathor and the Path of Unity


Visiting Hathor’s temple was undeniably one of the highlights of my trip. I have felt her energy for many years and have received messages from her. Hathor’s energy feels like a field of love and a celebration of unity—a heart-centered energy that, years ago, she promised to gift me in a message of, “I gift myself to you.”


This sounded a bit strange at the time, and I assumed it meant that a woman embodying Hathor’s energy might appear in my life, which still may happen. But what I now feel, and have been working with, is that this energy is something I bring to the ceremonies and sessions I offer others. It’s an energetic container of love and unity, an energy that emerges when we come into union with others with a heart-centered focus—a field I channel and teach others to experience directly. This is fifth-dimensional energy.


In Hathor’s temple, tucked away in a chamber where her image is honored, I entered a private space as the first to arrive. Approaching the image of Hathor, I felt a sense of awe and ancient curiosity. Knowing her and understanding what her cosmic energy represents, I asked for her assistance in opening my heart so that I could love myself and others. I placed my head and hands against the wall where her image was prominent.


As I surrendered, I felt waves of energy flowing down over me. The energy of love poured through and from me, immediately followed by a sharp, piercing pain—a longing for the one with whom I had once shared that love, who is now far away. In one instant, I understood that I was not allowing myself to fully love from my heart. I had shut it down again because the pain had been too much. The attachment I had projected onto this person created a “shell” around my heart that now had to be pierced by love in order to feel again.


This piercing revealed so much of what I was carrying. It wasn’t so much about her or what I had hoped for with her; it was that I had made my feeling of love about her rather than connecting it to the divine essence that lies beyond even Hathor, who is but an expression of the one energy of all things—what people call God. In that moment, I felt a wave of pain, yet I also understood with clarity what needed to happen next: letting go. This release would ultimately unfold a few days later in a mosque, through an unexpected release inspired by what I experienced as an expression of divine masculine energy in a voice.


A Moment of Divine Masculine at Sultan Hassan Mosque


While visiting the Sultan Hassan Mosque in Cairo, I was moved by the beauty of a man’s voice in singing prayer. The vibration carried a profound energy of divine masculine that resonated deeply, opening my heart in a way I hadn’t anticipated. Tears filled my eyes as I connected with the divine essence within the sound that would not have been possible to channel without the feminine also present, reminding me of the oneness we are all connected to.


In that moment, I fully realized that we are always whole, complete, and filled with divine love even when other emotions are being experienced. Since that day I truly remember what I kept forgetting or dismissing as a fantasy. We are already the love we seek and to keep honoring the source of it in the “good” times and the “bad” times. Shattering the illusion of those labels and that anything or anyone could break a heart. 

This experience broke through any lingering illusions of separation. The truth was clear: love is not something we seek outside ourselves, nor does it exist only in fleeting moments or specific relationships. It is the essence of our being, always present, always whole.


Integration: Bringing Egypt’s Gifts Home


I am remembering how important it is to always first give thanks, love, and gratitude to the universal life force—God. This creational energy makes anything seemingly outside of us possible, allowing it to exist and be experienced. When we forget to honor the source of love each day, making our love about a person, place, or thing, pain inevitably follows. It’s a choice: Muslims do this five times a day in prayer, others engage in meditation, many give thanks before a meal, and a rare few honor this connection with every breath—these are the masters.


Since returning, I’ve noticed that many of the shifts I experienced in Egypt have continued to unfold through dreams, memories, and insights. My heart has softened, and I feel a deeper gratitude for the universal life force that flows through all things. This life force, which some call God, is the source of all love, and when we honor it first and foremost, the pain that once arose from attachments fades. Our relationships then become spaces for growth, rather than sources of validation or self-worth.


This journey showed me how, unconsciously, we often anchor love in specific people or places, which leads to pain. These external attachments are merely reflections of our inner source. When we place the responsibility for our happiness or worth on anything outside ourselves, we reinforce an illusion of separation that perpetuates suffering. Yet by always honoring both the source and the external, we align with a greater truth, experiencing love from a place of wholeness, no matter the circumstances.


Embracing Self-Mastery and Divine Connection


This era calls each of us to release outdated patterns, painful attachments, ancestral behaviors, and ego-driven ideas of control. By turning inward, we remember that the ego’s role is to help us navigate this reality and enjoy the process, not to control it. The ultimate goal of self-mastery is not to conquer and own, but to surrender to the flow of divine love like a graceful dancer, allowing it to guide and inspire us from within and to take action from that inspiration.


Whether through meditation, breathwork, or sacred ceremony, we can cultivate this divine connection daily. This connection grounds us in the truth that we are already whole, already loved, and already aligned with the source of all creation. It is the power of unity—a field of energy accessible to all, beyond time, space, and the perceived limitations of our past or concerns about the future.


Thank you for allowing me to share this journey with you. May it inspire you to remember the source of divine love and to live each day aligned with the joy and peace that is your birthright with each intentional breath.


This is a remembering of what is already within. You can use the feeling from the last time you experienced it to spark that which is always right there for you—if it weren’t, you wouldn’t be here.


If connecting to this innate wellbeing feels challenging for you at this time, please reach out. I offer free 20-minute Spirit Guidance consultations to help you feel that connection again, with the option to continue working with me in that supportive space if desired.


In Love and Unity, 


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