The Cosmic Dance

galactic galactic perspective galactic wisdom healing Jun 23, 2024

Master of the Universe or Divine Dancer


The realization came after many, many lifetimes - thousands, perhaps on many different planets - that it's better to be a good dancer than a powerful force in the Universe.

It's more beneficial to embrace feeling, engage with the present moment, and flow with it, rather than striving to control, reject, or eliminate what is or isn’t desired from a place of egoic needs.    

In this Self-mastery blog post, we will dive into the importance of being able to feel and experience emotion as feedback for greater harmony and peace. To attain what is desired from a divine place of lasting fulfillment.


The “Self” in Self-mastery is the Self that Carl Jung spoke of, with the capital “S” - the totality of our being, including our connection to spirit, our soul, oversoul, monad, and our physical, mental, and emotional bodies. An expansive description of all our lifetimes and experiences throughout all time and space as the “Self”.

Self-mastery is to be present in every moment, living the embodiment of creation itself (Love), and moving gracefully while still able to influence whatever comes our way (akin to dancing). While it may sound daunting, this is the worthiest pursuit from a galactic perspective.  


This is the best version of ourselves from all lifetimes, coinciding with this current one as the Heroic Probability, becoming the higher Self of them all, guided by Divine Will rather than the survival-based will of the ego or energetic patterns of influence in their various forms. Combining and drawing the wisdom from all these experiences and coming into wholeness while alive, while incarnate at this level of density on Earth at this time. It’s truly amazing. This is the path of opportunity I believe we are all on now.  


For many, without context, this would seem like a perpetual dark night of the soul - symptoms of depression, anxiety, and prolonged grief when things desired and hoped for never manifest or seem to dissolve very quickly. A sense of loss and unworthiness based on the external manifestations despite the level of effort and focus put into creating them. It can often coincide as general malaise and dissatisfaction in playing along with the game of survival, that at a deep level, they know is not congruent with the true human patterning of abundance.      


What can be done about it?  


If you are reading these words, you have been directly drawn to the energy I am guided to share with the world, specifically our Divine origins and the realization that the New Earth is here. I draw to me New Earth leaders and remind them to live from their passions, to breathe deep into the love in their cosmic heart, which offers the opportunity for those around them to do the same and experience the wise guidance from deep inside.      


Nothing more is required than to just live your passion and be who you are. To face the fear and move past the old programs and habitual thought patterns creating feelings holding you back. 


The more we connect to that which is, an energy, and not a thinking about feelings, the more our reality changes with more grace and ease even if it may not look that way.   


It’s energy and frequency. We all know this, and so that's important. My pleasure and passion is expressed in assisting people habitually connecting to the energy of their essence and Spirit no matter what transpires in their life. Remaining human with all the feels while also never forgetting the deeper truth of all that is and how to navigate it in each moment.   


These newsletters share bread crumbs towards finding and living that frequency, the energy that's always there, the one of mastery for that's where we originated, and that's where we will all return: the divine dance with love and all things created from it. There is an ego will that attempts to hide from this, but is never sustainable in such an illusion. 


Master of the Universe  


Recently, I was asked to explain a bit about what I mean by being a master of the Universe. I just naturally assume people know what I mean, but I realize more story is in order.  


As I mentioned before, I have glimpsed many of my lifetimes. This is not uncommon for a shaman. This revealing of other lives has actually become common for many these days as people have access to various modalities and a deeper understanding of the inner universal wisdom we are all connected to. This knowing can often come through in dream state with remembering that specific “dream” for many years when most quickly fade away. Lives can be remembered through various hypnoses modalities, visions, experiences while in a deep state of meditation or even from life reviews during near-death-experiences, just to name a few. Many have expressed the belief that in this lifetime on the planet, we are experiencing a living bardo. In Buddhist philosophy, it could most easily be described as a period of reflection and review of many lives which would normally happen at death but is occurring while still alive in physical form.        


There were many lifetimes where I desired and wanted something, and because I had the power and the ability, I would take it, or I would put all my effort, focus, and will into manifesting it. This was great for certain lifetimes, but eventually, and we all experience this, the lifetimes come where the universe no longer caters to our will. Lifetimes that are more complex, and we can't just manifest things through our thoughts and ego-based will.  


Even though people may tell you otherwise, there must be a dance with creation for mastery. There must be the ability to feel and have a receptivity to what is in order to know what can be moved towards. If there is no feedback because of a rigid belief system, following a process, or ignoring what is felt deep inside, then it becomes attempts to dominate and hold power over Self and others, which will give its own form of feedback in a denser physical way.    


We are coming out of this collective amnesia into the New Earth. The New Earth is the rising of the feminine, both in form and energy. It is the revealing of the power held by women from the past who were written out of our history. It is the reclaiming of the power of receptivity and the felt knowing of emotions. Flowing with the energies around us, with the awareness of what has been perpetuated, especially on the feminine. Reclaiming those parts that have tried to speak up in the past to exclaim, “Wait! This doesn't feel right. This is not going the way that is best for all.”  


The dancer hears this message and is then able to see they are stepping on everyone’s toes. Male or female in form, they can then choose to embrace the mature masculine energy in expression of sovereign power. The more this occurs, the more the patterns, conditioned behaviors, and gender stereotypes are broken down into an organic understanding of the human experience in various physical expressions.    


Personally, I was shown very clearly two toe crushing lifetimes where I was, in a sense, a master of the universe. In those lives, I was able to navigate life and pretty much have everything I thought I wanted. It was not the happy, blissful life I thought it would be; in fact, the only time I felt much of anything in that life was when I was near my daughter. The rest of the time was a focus on power and domination with very little understanding of what emotions were and why people would get upset with me.  


In each of these lives, I had a daughter who embodied a beautiful light and love that, when I was in her proximity, I could see a little bit more of what was around me. I could actually feel a bit more connected to spirit through the divine feminine, which I experienced as a brief lifting of the darkness and shadow that surrounded myself and others I associated with.  


In one of these lives, I was a fearless explorer and map maker who literally didn’t feel fear or much of anything. Confident and capable, I was in tune with my strength and power, but very often in that life, people would get upset with me. At one point, I was chained in the gallows of the ship in which I sailed, wondering what was wrong. Why was I there? Not understanding how I was impacting people emotionally because I did not feel empathy or have compassion.  I wasn't evil. I just didn't understand emotions, and the only reassurance I could give myself in those moments was, “Oh, they just don't like me,” and then I would let it go and move on.   


In the other life, it was like something out of an ancient Chinese Taoist tale. I was truly a master of the universe and was able to live 1000 years until I choose my exit point. It felt more like ancient Japan than China, but probably a different dimension. In this life, I also worked with the dragon energy as I do now but from a place of trying to destroy and dominate rather than honoring the earth guardians and protectors of innocence that they are. (These were different times during a period of deep "disconnection" from Source/heavy density.) I utilized this power to be of service to myself, to my ego, and my desires. I set the energy to task to do my bidding. This was close to a lifetime I had in Egypt during the great forgetting where I maintained this power and ability to run energy from the Earth. What was once used to help and heal others in Egypt had descended into becoming something I thought was mine to abuse; using it to be invincible, incredibly strong, and to prolong my life.  


The Divine Dancer 


When the time is right, we become more aware of the connection to the energy of our other lifetimes. In my case, this vision came to me for a reason as I navigate this current life, with the experiences reminding me of the power of feeling and how that feeling connects us to the full spectrum of human experience, coming more into union with Self and those around us.   


Maybe these two lives never happened, and yet it was a powerful teaching for me to see why I don’t get to gratify my ego this time. That when I did get everything I wanted; when I was the strongest warrior, a great general, commanded thousands of people, surrounded by luxury, had control over death, and everything I thought I wanted, it wasn’t as amazing as what I briefly felt when I was near my daughter.  


The mystery of this light and the revealing of more. More of something I couldn’t know and yet felt drawn to like something half-remembered. A feeling of home, connection, and being accepted as I was even in those darkest moments.  


The daughter in both lives would show me what I had hidden from myself in the madness of density on the planet. It was the ability to feel, to feel love, to feel vulnerable, and to risk the idea of what I was in order to experience what all things are.  


Why this was so powerful was that I did not really understand or feel love while incarnated in those two lives. I saw my daughter as an extension of me, nothing more. She just felt like a part of me, like she was mine more than any affinity for her, but when I was around her, there were these glimpses, a sensitivity, an awareness of a light that would turn on and I'd see a little more clearly.  


And I don't know what I was like in that life. How horrible or what, but I know at some point I met the man who bested me in battle. It was a soul agreement made and a rejoicing of my spirit as he completed his act of love with a divine sparkle and a wink of his eye.  As the blow came, I rejoiced at the fact from that moment on, I would have more and more lifetimes of feeling, of emotion, and of sensitivity, leading up to this lifetime here now on the planet with so many others experiencing the same.  


This sensitivity, these feelings we all have, are a gift. The emotions are our power coming back: the power to dance with the Divine rather than try to control and dominate based on what we think we want from the old paradigms programing and it’s dying structure of control and manipulation.   


Instead, by fully living from the heart, feeling, noticing, dancing with what is as we create the world of our dreams.  


A world that can be harmonious with others, where there is no win at all costs competition anymore, even though people are doing similar things.    


There is nobody that can do what you do in your passionate expression the way you do it.    


A world in which we can speak our truth. Breathe, take up space, and enjoy our life. Letting go of those who would try to control and dominate, for that is not the energy we're in now. You may still seemingly see it, but you are no longer controlled by it if you are reading this.  


You can see this reflected in Western astrology with Chiron moving into Aries, moving us to action beyond the wounds of the past, and Pluto moving into Aquarius creating the opportunity for a humanitarian revolution.  


But even more powerfully, you can feel it deep within your core being. You can feel that calling, that longing, that desire to step out, to do the thing you've dreamed of not even fully knowing how it's going to look.  


Just do that. Take the first step; it doesn't have to be perfect. It could be messy, ugly, or seemingly horrible. Go and then keep going, keep standing, keep your head up, breathe into your heart, feel, and trust. This is your lifetime of mastery. You got this!!  

Much Love and Aloha,  


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