Master of the Universe or Divine Dancer
The realization came after many, many lifetimes - thousands, perhaps on many different planets - that it's better to be a good dancer than a powerful force in the Universe.
It's more beneficial to embrace feeling, engage with the present moment, and...
The Tree of Life
Whether we label that revealing as good or bad a frightening experience of darkness and the confusion may follow. An occurrence, which often will happen just before we are about to get what we want. Just before we step out into the unknown, before the dawning of a new reality or...
Pluto has been back in the sign of Capricorn and will stay there until January 21, 2024. So, we can potentially expect more revealing and releasing to continue until this planet of death and transformation moves into the sign of Aquarius. Bringing in greater unity and collective harmony for the...
To be Galactic is to be centered in oneself and able to perceive reality from a very wide “Galactic” lens. This is more than a seeing thing. It is feeling, knowing, listening, dancing, and dreaming in a way that is beyond what we may have been taught all these words mean. It is the...